Intermediate and Advanced levels

Здравствуйте, друзья!

Я приглашаю вас на бесплатные разговорные уроки по русскому языку!

My Russian conversation classes are a great opportunity to practice Russian in a small group of just six participants and to meet other Russian learners. The conversation classes are 100% free and delivered online through the Zoom platform, taught by me (Tatiana Garipova).

LevelDate/timeTopics for discussion
Intermediate12, 19, 26 July (Tue), 19.00-20.00 (BST)life abroad, life style, social media
Advanced13, 20, 27 July (Wed), 19.00-20.00 (BST)life abroad, social media, technology, education
Free Russian conversation classes

How does it work?

Once your place is booked I will email you a Zoom link. You will receive a copy of Zoom chat + class notes via email after each class for revision.

I will not ask you to sign up for my courses after the sessions!


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Book your place (first come first served)

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