Let’s begin!

Course level


Course description

This course is for people who have no or very little knowledge of Russian (i.e. greetings, alphabet). It will equip you with a sound understanding of the main grammar areas, developing essential vocabulary and enabling you to use Russian in simple and familiar everyday situations (i.e. self-introduction, cuisine, directions, shopping, hobbies, daily life,  travel, home and family). 

Each lesson consists of revision and a variety of engaging speaking, reading and listening activities. 

Homework is set after each lesson including writing of a short essay.

You will be expected to do at least one hour of self-study each week.

Lesson plan will be emailed to you one week before the relevant class enabling preparation in advance if necessary. 

Every learner is different so we will go at your pace! Russian grammar is well known for its complexity. We will tame and befriend it by taking one step at a time.


  • Delivering and retrieving information
  • Expressing your opinion, likes and dislikes
  • Keeping up simple conversation
  • Understanding simple public announcements, notices and signs
  • Understanding simple written / spoken messages and short texts
  • Writing short simple texts


  • Gender and declension of singular and plural nouns
  • Personal and possessive pronouns (i.e. I, you, my, your)
  • Singular and plural adjectives (i.e. beautiful, nice) in Nominative and some other cases
  • Verbs’ conjugation in Present and Past Tense 
  • Introduction to the Future Tense
  • Basic verbs of motion in Present and Past Tense
  • Simple prepositions and conjunctions (i.e. because, therefore)
  •  Numerals in Nominative case
  • Adverbs (i.e. well, nicely, usually)

Study Materials

  • Ruslan Russian 1 (Textbook and Workbook) by John Langran and Natalia Veshneva
  • Supplementary materials
  • Online audio and video resources

Number of lessons

10 + 10 + 10 (each block of 10 lessons can be booked separately)

Lesson duration

90 minutes

Where does the course take place?

Zoom video. Here is the link to Zoom website that will open in a new tab if you’d like to find out more about it.

If you are new to Zoom we can test your connection before you sign up for the course

After the lesson you will receive (via email)

  • Homework instructions and lesson plan for the next lesson

How to send your homework to the teacher

  • It can be typed in the email or Word document and then emailed to the teacher
  • You can take a picture of your work and email it to me as an attachment from your phone or computer 

I look forward to meeting you on the course!